L’intégrale de la musique

Dexter Pallamy

Activités professionnelles
Basse (interprète)

Is he an artist,a sideman,a producer,a songwriter,studio musician ? Well,it turns out the answer is -All of the Above ! Dexter starts playing when he is 14 in his island of mauritius in the indian ocean.his studies bring him to France where he starts collaborating with national artists as bass ,guitar or piano player.a few musicals on the way ,tours and festivals are part of the adventure.hits the charts in 1995 with "jack le jazzman"...he moves to germany in 2000 and develops a powerful repertoire of acoustic and pub music all over germany touring for the odwyer pubs .he also founds 'gimme fuego' his band in 2005 which soon becomes a pub cover-reference in france,germany,belgium and other european lands.now living in belgium dexter spends a lot of time in studio sessions and as support musicians for belgian bands in festivals like the francofolies ,bel-zik,couleur café and others…..

idlm, l’intégrale de la musique s’est donnée pour mission de recenser tou·tes les professionnel·les de la musique en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.
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